
Showing posts from July, 2021

Corporate Disclosures - Legislation-wise

  The providers of capital have a need to know how responsibly their funds were utilized and the goods and services provided to the society are justified by the inputs taken by the perpetual entity, viz.., the company. Corporate disclosures on the website/annual reports ensure transparency and accountability in this regard. The main aim of  corporate disclosure  is “to communicate firm performance and governance to outside investors” (Haely and Palepu, 2001). Besides reporting, managers also communicate information in a less formal way, for instance by press conferences, by announcement on websites and so on.   In accordance with the Companies Act, all companies are required to provide details with regard to the board and its committees in the board’s report (which is mandatory under the Companies Act and is to be presented by the board to the shareholders at the general meeting). The board’s report includes, inter alia, directors’ responsibility statement and...

Corporate Board Committees

The Board has overall responsibility for the management and oversight of the Group and its activities, providing entrepreneurial leadership within a control framework. It is responsible for approving the Group’s strategic objectives and ensuring that the necessary financial and human resources are made available to meet those objectives. Through the Audit Committee, the Board also reviews the Company’s risk management and internal control systems on an ongoing basis.     Mandatory Committees Under Companies Act, 2013 Under  SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 ·          Audit Committee ·          Audit Committee ·          Nomination and Remuneration Committee ·          Nomination and Remuneration Committee ·   ...