Module-2: Ethics in Functional Areas of Business- Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management(HRM) is a process of Planning, Organizing, Directing and Controlling of procurement (recruitment & selection), development (training), compensation (salary, wages & other benefits), appraisal (actual performance & potential performance), maintenance (welfare & record-keeping), and separation (retirement, resignation, retrenchment, etc) of employees or personnel or HR of the organization in order to achieve personal, organizational and social goals effectively and efficiently.
• Two
types of functions for the HR Manager are
• Managerial
functions-planning, organizing, directing and controlling and
• Operative
functions- procurement, development, compensation, appraisal, maintenance and
• Here,
the HR Manager is applying all managerial functions positively in each of the
operative functions to maintain equity, equality and justice.
• In
some operative functions (compensation, appraisal, maintenance and separation)
s/he has to maintain equity, while in some others (procurement, development,
etc) s/he has to maintain equality and individual and social justice. It is
also implied that HR (employees) must play their duties to achieve the
organizational and social goals effectively and efficiently
The HRM responsibilities of every organization have a
profound effect on organizations and their internal operations and demonstrate
the leaders’ commitment to goals, values, and people (Schein & Schein,
HRM is a staff
function that supports an organization’s strategic focus, assists departments
in achieving their goals, and works closely with the Top Management Team (TMT)
in supporting their strategic agenda (Boon, Eckardt, Lepak, & Boselie,
HRM Ethics is “the affirmative moral obligations of the
employer (business) towards the employees to maintain equality and equity
justice”. HRM should not treat people
(employees) simply as a means for our own purposes without their full and free
consent, because they are ends in themselves.
1. Discrimination
• Race,
Gender, and Disability
• The
ethics-based organization should not focus on discrimination while the
employees should be appreciated for their contribution to the organization (De
Gama, McKenna, and Peticca-Harris, 2012).
• Include
discrimination on the bases of age (ageism), gender, race, religion,
disabilities, weight and attractiveness, affirmative action, sexual harassment.
• Affirmative
action refers to a set of policies and practices within a government
or organization seeking to increase the representation of particular groups
based on their gender, race, creed or nationality in areas in which they were
excluded in the past such as education and employment.
• Reservation
• The Sexual
Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and
Redressal) Act, 2013 is a legislative act in India that
seeks to protect women from sexual harassment at their place
of work. It was passed by the Lok Sabha (the lower house of the Indian Parliament)
on 3 September 2012.
• Laws
under Indian Penal Code (IPC)
• Section
354 (A): A man committing any physical contact, advances involving
unwelcome and explicit sexual overtures; or demanding or requesting sexual
favours; or showing pornography against the will of a woman; or making sexually
coloured remarks, shall be guilty of the offence of sexual harassment.
(Punishment: Rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years)
• Section
209: Obscene acts in any public place, singing obscene songs to the
annoyance of others (Punishment: Imprisonment for a term of up to 3 months or
fine, or both).
• Section
509: Uttering any word or making any gesture intended to insult the modesty
of a woman. (You cannot call her “mast".) Punishment: Imprisonment for 1
year, or fine, or both.)
• The
Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act (1987)
• If
an individual harasses another with books, photographs, paintings, films,
pamphlets, packages, etc. containing ‘indecent representation of women’; They
are liable for a minimum sentence of two years
The Sexual Harassment of
Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013
• Under
the Act, sexual harassment includes:
a) Physical
contact and advances (so, you can’t touch someone inappropriately and think I
am innocent because, you know, I didn’t rape)
b) A
demand or request for sexual favours
c) Making
sexually coloured remarks (so, no sexist jokes or misogynist humour)
d) Showing
e) Any
other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.
f) Under
the Act, the below five also count as sexual harassment:
g) Implied
or explicit promise of preferential treatment in her employment.
h) Implied
or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in her employment
Implied or explicit threat about her present or
future employment status
Interference with her work or creating an
intimidating or offensive work environment for her (for eg., the St. Stephen’s
College sexual harassment case)
k) Humiliating
treatment likely to affect her health or safety.
Privacy of Employees
• All
human beings working with any organization have their personal life. An
employee needs the organization to directly or indirectly protect his/her personal
life. This personal life includes things like the religious, political and
social beliefs etc.
• There
are many ethical issues in HR that are related to health and safety,
restructuring and layoffs and employee responsibilities. A debate is still
going on whether some activities are ethically permitted and why some are not.
Layoffs, for example, are not considered unethical as they were thought of in
the past.
• It
is ethical when HR manager do not disclose publically
• Background
• Drug/Medical
Testing Reports
• Monitoring
on/off the job
• Employee
Fairness of Employment Contracts
• Cash
and Compensation Plans
• There
are some general ethical issues pertaining to the employee salaries, executive
perquisites and compensations and the annual incentive plans, etc. The HR
department is often under pressure to increase the band of base salaries. There
is always an increased pressure upon the HR function to pay out more incentives
to the top management and provide justification for the same to retain them.
• Further,
ethical issues arise when HR deals with long-term compensation and incentive
plans by consulting with the CEO or an external consultant. There is a pressure
on the HR managers on favouring the interests of the top management in
comparison to that of the other employees and stakeholders.
• Salary
and Wage Administration
• Paying
same remuneration to one who is serious, sincere and hardworking and also to
one whose contribution is least.
• Loss
suffering company being expected to declare bonus.
• Paying
at different rate to man and a woman doing the same kind of work.
• Getting
an employee signed on full pay and actually paying him less than that. Ethical
Issues (Unethical Practices) in HR
Employment Issues
Issues arising from the traditional
view of relationships between employers and employees, also known as At-will
Issues relating to the fairness of
the employment contract and the balance of power between employer and employee:
slavery, indentured servitude, employment law.
Issues surrounding the
representation of employees and the democratization of the workplace: union
busting, strike breaking.
Recruitment & Selection
Placing misleading advertisements for jobs.
Misrepresenting the requirements of a particular
Responding to a hiring manager who has asked you
to find a way “around” not hiring a qualified candidate for discriminatory purposes.
Not reviewing candidates based on their merits.
Matching a job with person or vice-versa
Role of out side pressures in selection of wrong
Selecting more than required number of people
Recruitment & Selection Ethical Issues (Unethical Practices) in HR
• When
training need of employee is identified on the basis of a single or nebulous
• When
there is absence of relativity between training purposes and training output.
• When
the trainees consider attending training programmes merely as a change and a
medium of gaining pleasure.
• When
there is absence of feedback on training
• When
training is considered as an instrument of individual growth by employees.
• When
training programme has been ‘finished’ and not ‘completed’.
• When
training infrastructure is not fully utilised.
• When
a trainer comes unprepared and completes his task in a hampy campy manner.
• When
trainers are selected for training programme under pressure of favoritism or
• When
the feedback about the training programme is featured as ‘dull’ ‘monotonous’
and ‘useless’.
Performance Appraisal
Central tendency, halo effect, mirror
personality etc
Method of appraisal is not proper
Superfluous reporting of his traits to employee
is also unfair
Occupational Safety
Employee’s safety in the workplace
is the ethical as well as the human right that should be provided by the
organization. It is one of the sensitive factors that cannot be avoided by the
organization to their employees (Janssens and Steyaert, 2009)
The three crucial bills :
• The
Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code 2020,
• The
Code on Social Security, and
• The Industrial Relations Code
The new labour code universalises minimum wages, timely
payment of wages and gives priority to occupational safety of workers(Sept
• Three
key labour reform bills that will remove impediments to
• Winding
up of companies and
• Allow
firing of staff without government permission in firms with up to 300 workers
from the existing 100, a move aimed at attracting more investments and job
• Minimum
Government, Maximum Governance”.
• “The
Labour reforms will ensure ‘Ease of Doing Business’. These are futuristic
legislations to empower enterprises by reducing compliance, red-tapism and
‘Inspector Raj’. The reforms also seek to harness the power of technology for
the betterment of the workers and industry both,”
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