CSR: Challenges and Implementation


Corporate social responsibility and its equally important companion, environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) principles have risen to new prominence in a world where how you do business—and how your business activities reflect your company’s  affects not only your bottom line, but your ability to operate, compete, and attract talent, investors, and customers.

Today’s consumer is no longer content to know only what a company’s selling, or the services it offers. They are, in large part, also very concerned with the policies and practices companies hold with regard to prominent social and environmental issues—and for companies with an undeveloped, ill-considered, or (perhaps worst of all) absent response, those consumers are happy to take their interest, and dollars, elsewhere

In 2011, less than one in five companies on the S&P 500 had published formalized documentation of the business practices they’d developed in relation to corporate social responsibility. By 2014, 75% were publishing their CSR activities, and by 2018, the number had climbed to 86%.

Some of the elements that commonly appear in CSR plans include:

·         Direct employee engagement to provide healthier, happier, and generally more positive working conditions, with a keen awareness of work-life balance and the need for diversity, transparency, and accountability.

·         Enhanced training for disenfranchised groups.

·         Direct investment in community organizations, such as food banks, community job centers, etc. with additional support via employee volunteerism.

·         Environmental responsibility initiatives that seek to address environmental concerns and reduce negative environmental impact through business activities such as sustainable supply chain optimization, sustainable development, etc.

·         Proactive responses to unexpected disruptions from global economic, political, and environmental disasters. For example, the rapid shift to support remote workers and define “the New Normal” during the COVID-19 pandemic, or working with sustainably sourced suppliers in the local community to ensure business continuity during disruptions caused by the Amazon Rainforest Fires.


Companies appear to apply stakeholder approachin implementation of their CSR activities, where they value their relationship with the stakeholders and are very concerned about the stakeholders' perceptions on their companies. The CSR activities which they implement appear to serve as a bridge to tighten these relationships. On the other hand, the cost and complexity of implementation, and time consumed to implement are among the biggest challenges to the organizations in their implementation of CSR activities.

When a company grow in size from SME to MSME, Large enterprise, MNC, Listed on national/International Stock Exchanges, the number of stakeholders as well as and requirement for funds to meet expectations of stakeholders increase manifold.

Freeman (1984) introduces the stakeholder theory in relation to social responsibilities of companies stating that the companies’ responsibility is to “any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the organization’s objectives”. Moreover, Carroll (1998) defines four different responsibilities in relation to the CSR: economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary/philanthropic. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (1999) defines the CSR as the “…operating a business enterprise in a manner that consistently meets or exceeds the ethical, legal, commercial, and public expectations society has of business”. Another definition proposed by the European Commission (2001) states that CSR “…means not only fulfilling legal expectations, but also going beyond compliance and investing ‘more’ into human capital, the environment and the relations with stakeholders”, while Maignan and Farrell (2004) define it as the satisfaction of the stakeholders’ demands.

According to Haigh and Jones (2005), there are six main factors that drive companies to adopt CSR policy: intra-organizational factors, competitive dynamics, institutional investors, end-consumers, government regulators and non-governmental organizations.

It is important to mention that the stakeholders can “never fully understand a corporation’s capabilities, competitive positioning, or the tradeoffs it must make” (Porter and Kramer, 2006), thus the stakeholders continuously demand from companies to be more responsible and devote more resources to them (McWilliams and Siegel, 2001). Some companies concentrated their CSR attention on multiple dimensions of society while others concentrated on a single dimension of society as their capability, economic or managerial, is limited or it is most important for them

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a successful concept for companies in order to ensure their capacity for long term value and gain competitive advantages. It is an effective mean in order to mitigate the new type of risk that has emerged, known as social risk (Kytle and Ruggie, 2005).

The most comprehensive methodologies are those that are adopted by Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, Ethibel Sustainability Index, KLD and Advanced Sustainable Performance Indices.

Some of the areas that are noticed not to have uniformity include the transparency provided by the assessment agencies, the proposal of specific criteria to specific sectors and countries, the agreement as regards the weight rate of the criteria, the suggestion of criteria that refer to the CSR outcome and irresponsibility, the assessment of the main stakeholders, the capability of criteria selection and the consensus of the CSR criteria.

The models of CSR emerged over a period of time from  Business Ethics(1950s) to Corporate Citizenship (End of 1990s) and these thoughts had influenced international organizations like United Nations . This in turn affected the governments and MNCs to address stakeholder needs.

 India has Companies Act 2013 which specifically bind companies  under section 135 , notified on 01/04/2014 to have CSR Committee, CSR Policy, CSR activities, CSR budget 2% of average net Profits of last 3 years, CSR spend and related disclosures. Detailed operational guidelines were issued by January 2021 after series of negotiations with industry participants.

Benefits from CSR 

  • ·         Increases employee loyalty and retention
  • ·         Increased customer loyalty
  • ·         Increased reputation in the corporate world and brand image
  • ·         Greater productivity and quality
  • ·         Increased quality of products and services
  • ·         Product safety and decreased liability
  • ·         Less volatile stock value
  • ·         Reduced regulatory oversight
  • ·         Ensures the company’s sustainability and long term performance
  • ·         Increased employee satisfaction
  • ·         Increase in the growth potential of an organization
  • ·         Prevent the focus of companies from only profit maximization

Corporate Social Responsibility means working in an organization where it benefits both the organization and the society. There is much debate on the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility. Some people have a strong belief that the sole aim of the business is only to take care of the interest of the owners and the shareholders of the business while others believe that a business should benefit all, including the environment and the society. Hence, on a social level, the concept of CSR faces many challenges.

CSR Challenges 

1. Responsibility towards Shareholders only

People confuse the objective of a business with the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility. Some entrepreneurs say that the sole aim of the business should only lie in the interest of the stakeholders. Anything done out of this objective violates the fundamental principles of the business and moreover is not acknowledged in the eyes of the community.

An organization has the responsibility to earn as much profit as it can for the shareholders or the owners. It is totally accountable to the shareholders of the business. How can a business forgo this basic purpose just for the sake of society or how can it even make a decision that undermines the basic objective of the business?

2. Responsibility towards Stakeholders

Freeman (1984) introduces the stakeholder theory in relation to social responsibilities of companies stating that the companies’ responsibility is to “any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the organization’s objectives”. Moreover, Carroll (1998) defines four different responsibilities in relation to the CSR: economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary/philanthropic. When a company grow in size from SME to MSME, Large enterprise, MNC, Listed on national/International Stock Exchanges, the number of stakeholders as well as and requirement for funds to meet expectations of stakeholders increase manifold. Carroll’s definition suggests level of the activity and not the exact extent of coverage of the stakeholders and their expectations.

3. Failure of the public to recognize organizations through CSR 

Even if the activities of the organization benefit the society, the actual benefit is totally negligible in the eyes of the community. Companies that work in this direction never get the due credit for it. Moreover, Corporate Social Responsibility should result in a positive outcome that benefits both society and the organization as a whole.

4. Input not equal to the output

The input provided by the organizations in the business for the community is far less than the output received. But if they use the same input for earning purposes, the organization will end up making huge profits for themselves. The public always fails to see the good deeds of the organization made for the betterment of society. It always denies them the appropriate appreciation and acknowledgment for their work.

5. Measurement of CSR

Internationally, the most comprehensive methodologies are those that are adopted by Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, Ethibel Sustainability Index, KLD and Advanced Sustainable Performance Indices. Some of the areas that are noticed not to have uniformity among these indices include the transparency provided by the assessment agencies, the proposal of specific criteria to specific sectors and countries, the agreement as regards the weight rate of the criteria, the suggestion of criteria that refer to the CSR outcome and irresponsibility, the assessment of the main stakeholders, the capability of criteria selection and the consensus of the CSR criteria.

6.  Mentality of consumers

Many organizations work in the best interest of the community and the environment. But the consumers always think that the business is done for some secret objective which is for their own good. So the hard work of the organization is never recognized. Hence, there is no point working day and night for the benefit of society. No matter what, the organization is criticized by society even if they are actively involved in socially responsible projects.

7. Ethical Investors concerns

In the modern times, a need breed of investors who do not like to invest in unethical Business / Business practices are offer another kind of challenge. Certain investors do not want to invest in business like liquor/Tobacco etc or companies that have discrimination in on the basis of Race/cast/creed/Gender or companies that deal in interest on money accepted as deposits or loan given (Banks/NBFCs etc). Ethical investments has emerged as a new class of investing even among Mutual Funds.

8. Power Play

Which stakeholder group is dominant power in the Society determines the whether Environmental/Political/similar other groups activists get upper hand in the budgetary allocations of CSR funds viewed from Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) angle. This may put pressure on the company to deviate from strategic CSR spend and merely remain at simple charity


9. Tugging CSR activities into the Corporate Strategy

More than ever, it has come to fore that the Corporate has to align its CSR activities to corporate objectives and enable maximum stakeholders participation in the supply chain, as far as possible.

10. Legal Requirements

In India companies have to spend regular board time and application of mind by top management to spend 2% of the average profits of last 3 years for specified activities and duly report the same.   Indian CSR model is quite different from the popular and dominant western model. In the western model companies has option to voluntarily engage in the CSR activities of their choice with the spend decided by the management. On the other hand, Indian companies are bound by the law to not only spend mandated amount but also engage in CSR activities listed in Schedule VII of the companies Act. The CSR policy and decision has also been mandated on the board of the companies. The companies are also required to present the details of CSR activities in their annual report.



Just like the popular concept of Work-Life balance for an employee, it is important for the Corporation to have a balance between its business objective and the CSR activities it undertakes. Enabling maximum stakeholder participation in its supply chain is very important for reasonable perceived power distribution in the society. Therefore, every organization wants to be good in the eyes of the government, community and sustain its business for long. To achieve this, it should take up socially responsible projects keeping in mind the regulatory compliance, CSR benefits and challenges.




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