CSR Evolution - Part 2: Legal Framework
As corporate governance becomes increasingly driven by ethical norms and the need for accountability, and CSR adapts to prevailing business practices and legal framework, a potential convergence between them surfaces. Corporate Social Responsibility is an indispensable part of corporate planning, strategy and operational performance.
Time line of evolution of legal framework for CSR in India
In India, the provisions relating to Corporate Governance and CSR are covered under following heads:
The Companies Act, 1956 (applicable to both listed and unlisted companies)
Securities and Exchange Board of India and regulations (applicable to listed
A. The Companies Act Provisions
The companies Act 1956 was replaced with Companies Act 2013 and brought an end to the long wait by inserting Sec. 135 on Corporate Social Responsibility as follows.
- Every company having net worth
of rupees five hundred crore or more, or turnover of rupees one thousand
crore or more or a net profit of rupees five crore or more during any
financial year shall constitute a Corporate Social Responsibility
Committee of the Board consisting of three or more directors, out of which
at least one director shall be an independent director.
- The Board’s report under
sub-section (3) of section 134 shall disclose the composition of the
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee.
- The Corporate Social
Responsibility Committee shall,— (a) formulate and recommend to the Board,
a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy which shall indicate the
activities to be undertaken by the company as specified in Schedule VII;
(b) recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred on the activities
referred to in clause (a), and (c) monitor the Corporate Social
Responsibility Policy of the company from time to time.
- The Board of every company
referred to in subsection (1) shall,— (a) after taking into account the
recommendations made by the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee,
approve the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy for the Stakeholder
Companies respond to the needs of stakeholders, customers, employees,
communities, etc and disclose contents of such Policy in its report and
also place it on the company’s website, if any, in such manner as may be
prescribed; and (b) ensure that the activities as are included in
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the company are undertaken by
the company.
- The Board of every company
referred to in subsection (1), shall ensure that the company spends, in
every financial year, at least two percent. of the average net profits of
the company made during the three immediately preceding financial years,
in pursuance of its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy: Provided that
the company shall give preference to the local area and areas around it
where it operates, for spending the amount earmarked for Corporate Social
Responsibility activities: Provided further that if the company fails to
spend such amount, the Board shall, in its report made under clause (o) of
sub-section (3) of section 134, specify the reasons for not spending the
amount. Explanation – For the purposes of this section – “average net
profit” shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of section
Under the Act, if companies that have to provide for CSR, do not fully spend the funds, they must disclose the reasons for non-spending in their annual report. Under the Bill, any unspent annual CSR funds must be transferred to one of the funds under Schedule 7 of the Act (e.g., PM Relief Fund) within six months of the financial year.
if the CSR funds are committed to certain ongoing projects, then the unspent
funds will have to be transferred to an Unspent CSR Account within 30 days of
the end of the financial year and spent within three years. Any funds remaining
unspent after three years will have to be transferred to one of the funds under
Schedule 7 of the Act. Any violation may attract a fine between Rs 50,000
and Rs 25,00,000 and every defaulting officer may be punished with imprisonment
of up to three years or fine between Rs 50,000 and Rs 25,00,000, or
keeping the implementation of Section 21 (amendments to the CSR provisions in
Companies Act 2013) in abeyance, the government has restored status quo ante as
regards CSR provisions, say company law experts.
Thiswould mean that CSR, for now (Sep 2018), would only be voluntary for corporate
India and not spending the 2 percent on CSR would not be treated as a criminal
offense, attracting jail term for company officials.
this position will only hold true till the time the government takes a call on
the recommendations of the high-level panel on CSR headed by MCA Secretary
Injeti Srinivas, it is learned. It may be recalled that the Panel report was
submitted to Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman after Parliament had passed
the Companies (Amendment) Bill 2019.
CSR model is quite different from the popular and dominant western model. In
the western model companies has option to voluntarily engage in the CSR
activities of their choice with the spend decided by the management. On the
other hand, Indian companies are bound by the law to not only spend mandated
amount but also engage in CSR activities listed in Schedule VII of the
companies Act. The CSR policy and decision has also been mandated on the board
of the companies. The companies are also required to present the details of CSR
activities in their annual report.
The companies are required to disclose theamount which they spend on CSR activities. This provision is going to make CSR
spend transparent and comparable at least from the input perspective. It also
made CSR a regular exercise which is dependent on the profits made by
companies. This will make CSR a regular phenomenon for the companies, as in
majority of the cases profits are not going to fluctuate much. The third aspect
of this provision is that it also fixed the responsibility of the CSR which is
on the board itself. All decision and spend must be authorised by the board and
none lower them. The fourth aspect is fixing the CSR budget by connecting it
with profits of the company. Fifth aspect is to align CSR activities with the
Schedule VII of the Act. The activities listed in Schedule VII is supposed to
be aligned with the inclusive development agenda of the nation. The schedule
may be amended depending on the changing priorities of the nation. Finally, the
spirit of the legal mandate is that CSR is for the poor, the marginalised, the
deprived, the downtrodden, and handling of difficult situations. Thus, the law
obligates companies to perform activities beyond the legal mandate. It is
assumed that the corporate sector in India has many strengths which can be used
to solve larger social, environmental, and economic issues with the right
framework. Further CSR is not expected to be the core business of the
companies. They are expected to associate with the non-profit sector which has
got a strong presence in India and have long standing capabilities to implement
social projects. One important aspect is the reporting of CSR activities by the
company. For the said purpose, a template has been designed which the companies
are expected to fill and report.
The law has provided a
format, the corporates has the ability, the NGOs are willing to cooperate which
takes whole process of CSR at a different level.
The Government of India notified amendments to the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility) Rules, 2014 and Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 on January 22nd, 2021, which means that these are now effective.
Impact oncorporates
1. Eligible CSR
Specifically Excluded
The following activities cannot be included as part of a
company’s eligible CSR spend:
- Activities which are undertaken in
the normal course of business of a company, or those benefitting only its
- Political contributions.
- Sponsorship activities.
- Fulfilment of statutory obligations
and activities undertaken outside India (except for training of sports
personnel representing a state or country at the national or international
Activities that can now be included as CSR:
- COVID-19-related
activity in the normal course of business: This
covers companies undertaking research and development into vaccines,
medical devices, and drugs related to COVID-19, even if such activity is
in their normal course of business. This exemption is allowed up to the
financial year 2022-2023. However, the company must make separate
disclosures in their annual report and must undertake such research and
development in collaboration with an institute specified in Schedule VII of
the act.
- Acquisition
or creation of a capital asset provided that it is not owned by the
company: The asset created using CSR
funds must be owned either by the organisation supported, or the people
served by the project (for instance, collectives such as self-help
groups), or by a public authority.
Administrative overheads
While the term administrative overheads has not been listed
exhaustively, the amendment defines it as expenses incurred for ‘general
management and administration’ of CSR functions in a company.
With this notification, it now excludes “…expenses directly
incurred for the designing, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of a
particular Corporate Social Responsibility project or
programme…”. This means that these expenses can now be considered as part of
the programme itself, thereby allowing for greater allocation of resources for
these activities. However, the cap on administrative costs of five percent of
CSR expenditure remains.
2. Treatment of
unspent, excess, or surplus CSR amounts
Unspent CSR funds
Any unspent CSR funds remaining at the end of a financial
year should be transferred in any of the following ways:
- Transfer
to an Unspent CSR Account: Any unspent amount
from an ongoing project should be transferred within 30 days of the end of
the financial year, to the specifically designated ‘Unspent Corporate
Social Responsibility Account’ to be opened by the company. These amounts
should be spent within the next three financial years, in accordance with
the company’s CSR policy. If these amounts remain unspent even after the
three-year period, then they should be transferred, within 30 days of the
end of the third financial year, to any fund specified in Schedule VII of
the act (such as the PM National Relief Fund, PM CARES Fund, Disaster Management Fund, Clean Ganga
Fund, and so on).
- Transfer
to a Schedule VII fund: If the funds are
unallocated to any CSR project, then such unspent amount shall be
transferred, within six months of the end of the financial year, to any
fund specified in Schedule VII of the act.
is a new requirement for mandatory impact assessment of CSR projects. | Picture
courtesy: Ayesha Marfatia/Canva
Surplus CSR funds
If any surplus arises out of the CSR activities, it must be:
- Spent on the same project which
gave rise to the surplus, or
- Transferred to the Unspent CSR
Account of the company, or
- Transferred to a fund as specified
in Schedule VII of the act.
Excess CSR spends
If a company has spent amounts more than the mandatory two
percent on CSR, the company can set off such excess amounts against the CSR
spends in the next three financial years. The board of directors however, needs
to pass a resolution for this. It’s important to note that such excess amounts
cannot include the surplus arising out of CSR activities. For instance, if any
interest is earned out of the assets acquired through the CSR funds, such
interest would be treated as a surplus, but cannot be set off from the CSR
budget of the following year.
3. Impact Assessment
There is a new requirement for mandatory impact
assessment of CSR projects.
- This requirement applies to
companies that have an average CSR spend of INR 10 crore or more in the
past three financial years.
- It must be conducted for all CSR
projects that have budgets of INR 1 crore and more; and have been
completed one year prior to undertaking the impact assessment.
- An ‘independent’ agency must be
appointed to undertake the impact assessment. The costs of such an agency
cannot exceed INR 50 lakh or five percent of the total CSR spend for that
financial year (whichever is lower).
4. Governance
and Transparency
- Mandatory
disclosures on the website: If a company
has a website, it is mandatorily required to disclose the composition of
the CSR committee, its CSR policy, and the projects approved by the board.
committee: This committee must formulate
an annual action plan for CSR spends, which lists the CSR projects,
implementation and monitoring schedules, and details of impact assessment
(if applicable). However, if a company’s CSR spend is less than INR 50
lakh it is not required to create a CSR committee. The board of directors
will perform the functions of the committee in such a case.
policy: A company’s CSR policy must
include further details of its CSR philosophy, its guiding principles for
selecting projects, implementation and monitoring of activities, as well
as the formulation of the annual action plan.
- Annual
disclosures: These are now more
detailed, requiring information on the CSR committee’s composition, its
meetings, amounts transferred to the Unspent CSR Account or to a fund
specified in Schedule VII, and the capital assets that have been created,
acquired, or transferred. Additionally, the rules now require the
company’s Chief Financial Officer (or equivalent) to certify that the CSR
funds have been disbursed and utilised in the manner approved by the board
of directors. Details of the impact assessments undertaken, specific
disclosures of the amounts incurred towards administrative overheads, and
any other information on CSR projects—whether they are new projects or
ongoing projects—should be included.
- Monetary
penalties for non-compliance: Departing
from the previous philosophy of ‘name and shame’, the amendments have
introduced monetary penalties for the company and every officer in default
for non-compliance. A defaulting company is now liable for the lesser of
INR 1 crore or twice the amount that should have been transferred to the
Unspent CSR Account or the Schedule VII specified fund. Additionally, a
defaulting officer is now liable for the lesser of INR 2 lakh, or
one-tenth the amount that should have been transferred to the ‘Unspent CSR
Account’ or the Schedule VII specified fund.
5. Support from
‘international organisations’
For the first time, CSR rules have allowed international
organisations to assist and play a role in the CSR ecosystem. The rules define
an ‘international organisation’ as one that is notified under the United Nations (Privileges and Immunities) Act, 1947. This
covers entities such as the International
Labour Organization, the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of
the World Bank, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),
and the International
Monetary Fund, among others.
The rules permit companies to appoint an international
organisation for designing, and monitoring and evaluation of CSR projects or
programmes as per its policy, as well as for building the capacity of their own
CSR teams. However, the costs or fees paid to such entities may be subject to
the cap of five percent on administrative overheads, if it relates to the
general management and administration of CSR functions in a company. (This
might be the case if the international organisation is providing capacity
building services.)
B. SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015
SEBI has amended the SEBI(Listing Obligations and Disclosures Requirement ) Regulations 2015 and notified on 9th May 2018
The SEBI(LODR) provides obligatory to constitute following committees
- Audit Committee
- Nomination and Remuneration Committee
- Stakeholders Relationship committee
- Risk Management Committee
Detailed guidelines for CSR expenditure of CPSES were modified in 2018 irrespective of whether they are listed or not. However listed companies need to observe those instructions applicable to them as well.
Those who read this also read on historical evolution of CSR in India
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